February 14, 20212 minutes to read — Tags: bento, values

In January, I joined the Bento Society as a weekly practice in long-term thinking.

The society is born of Yancey Strickler’s book This Could Be Our Future. Bento stands for Beyond Near Term Orientation, and a play on the neatly separated Japanese lunch tray.

In it’s simplest form, the Bento is a square divided into quadrants; with the x-axis being time (now and the future) and the y-axis our self-interest (me and us).

blank bento

One powerful application is to use the quadrants to tap into important parts of your identity. Write a question like “what should I do today?”, and envision how each quadrant would answer.

'what should I do today?' Bento

“Now me” (your short-term self-interest) might want to binge watch Netflix, or knock out a work project that’s been on your mind.

“Now us” (your short-term group-minded self) might want to talk with a family member going through a hard time, or reconnect with an old friend.

“Future me” (your long-term self interest) might want to work on a passion project, or practice a new skill.

“Future us” (your long-term group-minded self) might want to apply a new skill in a way that benefits your community.

All too often, I find that the “now me” gets to drive my life. Thinking through the Bento quadrants helps me balance near- and long-term interests; and balance self-care and service to others. It’s not about judging certain quadrants as good/bad or right/wrong; simply that no one quadrant is the complete picture of what matters.

After doing several Bentos, the exercise highlights the values and guiding principles that I want to more thoroughly practice, like curiosity and compassion.

Participating in the Bento Society has been helpful way to ground and orient my values and daily habits.

Aaron Suggs
Hi, I'm Aaron Suggs. 😀👋

Welcome to my personal blog. I manage engineering teams at Instructure, previously Lattice, Glossier and Kickstarter. I live in Chapel Hill, NC. Find me on LinkedIn, and GitHub.